
Mai Chimuti Brand

Our Vision

We envision Regenerative, Integral and Prosperous Local Economies for Zimbabwe, Africa and the World in harmony with all eco-systems.

Our Mission
  • To transform rural homesteads into viable social and economic entities contributing towards vibrant self-sufficient local communities in order to eradicate poverty, hunger and marginalisation thereby enhancing people’s lives, livelihoods, total well-being and national socio-economic development – Integral Kumusha.
  • To create a heritage and Ubuntu-based economic system anchored upon the African indigenous cultural practices blend with alternative and exogenous knowledge systems in order to create a great legacy (nhaka) for future generations – Nhakanomics.
Our Operating Theme

Stimulating Nhakanomics – Transforming Communities from Poverty to Prosperity (P2P).

Our Values & Ethos
  1. Purpose and Passion.
    • We are driven by our calling and passion to be stewards of God’s creation in its entirety.
  2. Nature and Community.
    • We are grounded in nature and we are community based.
  3. Culture and Development.
    • We cherish our Ubuntu culture and foster development in order to realise individual and collective geniuses.
  4. Diversity and Harmony.
    • We embrace diversity and the power of living, learning and co-creating knowledge together.
  5. Wealth Creation and Legacy.
    • Our success is measured by our ability to positively impact society and empower current and future generations to create wealth and a great legacy (Nhaka).

Dr Daud Taranhike is a seasoned businessman who has great passion and a burning desire to enhance people’s lives, livelihoods and total well-being especially for the poor, the marginalised and the vulnerable members of society by exploring opportunities, talents and possibilities to create wealth and a great legacy for future generations. He has over three decades of working in the corporate world in different roles. He has a diverse academic and professional background that includes business management and development, engineering and technical, human resources development, community engagement and development. He was awarded the “Community Engagement Award” by the Da Vinci Institute and for his impact to society through the creation and implementation of the Integral Kumusha social innovation. (To provide a picture)

Mrs Christina Taranhike popularly known as “Mai Chimuti” is a multi-talented person who has a very strong business and human resources background. She has over twenty five in the hospitality industry with a very strong public relations and administration background. Her passion to provide the best possible service and to ensure that whatever she does is of the highest possible standard. She is also an accomplished business woman in her own right having established her footprint and excelled in the male dominated transport sector. Christina relocated from the urban area to the rural community driven by her passion to facilitate community transformation and to ensure that the marginalised rural people especially the women and the youth are empowered to change their lives and bring hope and to achieve self-sufficiency in the journey to eradicate poverty. She is highly innovative and believes in utilising the available resources and talent to exploit opportunities. She was the first recipient of the “Woman of the Earth Award” by the Homes for Humanity and she contributed significantly towards the Integral Kumusha being recognised and launched as the “National Model Rural Homestead” in Zimbabwe dubbed “THE SMART INTEGRAL KUMUSHA” by the Minister of ICT and Courier Services on 8 December 2020. Mai Chimuti was also awarded the Manicaland Provincial Best Agric4SHE Award by the First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa on 27 June 2023. (Insert picture to be provided)

As the Co-Founders of the Integral Kumusha, Daud and Christina Taranhike complement each other in various community based projects and household transformation initiatives. They host many people from different places and communities within Zimbabwe and beyond with the aim of transforming rural households and communities towards self-sufficiency  and prosperity. They are currently involved in the promoting growing of traditional crops and other high value crops such as ginger, turmeric and garlic. This initiative has been expanded to including processing and packaging of different products for sale as finished products. They have plans to establish the Nhakanomics Transformation and Research Academy to promote knowledge co-creation, innovation and rural eco-industrialisation. They are also engaged in other knowledge production and development programmes such as Field Days, TV/Radio sessions, etc.


The Integral Kumusha has established partnerships with various stakeholders in its quest to transform rural communities and regenerative efforts. These collaborative efforts help to accelerate knowledge co-creation and to achieve its goal of societal transformation through community based learning and socio-economic development initiatives. The key partnerships include the following;

Community Partnerships

The Mhondoro Community being led by Chief Rwizi in Mashonaland West has established a collaborative relationship with the Integral Kumusha after visiting the place in 2021. This initiative was supported by Chief Makumbe and being one of its own kind in Zimbabwe where a Chief from a different region establishes a relationship in a different province with the aim of achieving rural development and economic transformation and growth.

Community Network Partnership

The Integral Kumusha established a partnership with Vision Internet and the Murambinda Community Network Centre in promoting and facilitating the last mile in internet connection with rural homesteads. This partnership resulted in the inauguration of the Rural Community Network Conference at Murambinda Growth Point. The conference was supported by the Ministry of ICT, Courier and Postal Services under the leadership of the former Permanent Secretary Dr Engineer Sam Kundishora. The conference was attended by youths from all rural provinces in Zimbabwe in order to spread the initiative throughout the entire country.

Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Learning

The Integral Kumusha has also established partnerships with institutions of higher learning such as the Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) Faculty of Agriculture, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Marondera Horticultural Research Centre (MHRC) in partnership with the Midlands State University (MSU) and the Ginger, Garlic and Turmeric Association (GGTA) and the Catholic University of Zimbabwe (CUZ) Faculty of Theology, Ethics, Religious Studies and Philosophy. These different institutions bring diversity in the Integral Kumusha’s approach and research and innovation work.

Home for humanity

The Home for Humanity (H4H) was co-founded by Professor Alexander Schieffer and Dr Rama Mani of France with the aim of spearheading the regeneration of Earth civilisation by facilitating individuals, homes and organisations that operate as home on a regenerative journey in co-creating One Earth Home which is inclusive, just, peaceful and joyful. The Integral Kumusha and the Home for Humanity collaborate and have very strong partnership and relationship towards the achievement of this global objective as a global movement of many different homes in different continents throughout the world.

The Homes for Humanity Movement is a group of homes that are working to Regenerate the Earth Home and to restore harmony between humanity and the entire ecosystem. Many homes are joining this movement and are helping individuals, organisations and communities in their transformative and regenerative journey from the inner home to the outer home and to the Earth Home. The Home for Humanity facilitates this transformation through trans cultural and trans-continental initiatives. The Integral Kumusha was launched as the Exemplary Home for Humanity on 18 April 2021 and has been actively participating on different programmes such as the Earth Agora, Pioneering Planetary Regeneration and now the One Earth Home Journey. (Insert picture to be provided)


The Integral Kumusha has been spreading its message and knowledge of rural and national socio-economic transformation through various media such as social media – WhatsApp, etc. it has been featured on various National TV and Radio programmes.


The Integral Kumusha – Nhakanomics Newsletter will be launched in the near future. The newsletter will be featuring the various activities, programmes and developments taking place and participation and frequency will be advised on a regular basis.


Our contact details are as follows;

Integral Kumusha, Mukoto Village, Ward 31 Buhera North, Manicaland,

PO Box 27, Murambinda, Buhera.

Telephone +263 775 293 585 / +263 712 616 341